Subject: Viridian Note 00050: Wired Urban Forests Key concepts: plant health monitors, computerized trees, gardening, urban agriculture, urban wildlife Attention Conservation Notice: It's about French people installing wiretapping devices inside the trees of Paris. Probably far *less* absurd than it sounds, however. Links: Entries in the Viridian Teakettle Design Contest: The deadline for this contest has been extended. This contest ends March 20, 01999. From:^^^^^^^^^^^^^^**** (Stefan Jones) Source: Reuters "Welcome Bugs for Parisian Trees" 12:15 p.m. 3.Feb.99. PST "Ah, April in Paris. There's a song in your heart, love in the air ... and bugs in the trees. "These 'bugs' are there by design, though. Tree surgeons in the City of Light are embedding computer chips in all of the 90,000 trees lining the streets and boulevards in a monitoring operation of unprecedented scale. "'It takes less than 15 minutes to embed a 3- centimeter long computer chip in the trunk and enter the data in a computer,' said Christian Mantaux, a tree surgeon for two decades. (...) "The chips contain an identification number which, when read by a mobile computer, gives a readout on the trees' location, age, and condition." (((Stefan Jones remarks: This will be *really* cool when the new internet addressing scheme is ready, and each tree can get its own net address and have its chip report local temperature, humidity, local ozone and CO2 and CO levels, etc. by wireless packet switching.))) (((bruces remarks: the indefatigable Stefan Jones has unearthed another gem here. *Ninety thousand* trees? That's an entire urban forest! An impressive start to what may become a 21st-century network saturation of the natural world. Consider the number of Viridian principles that are gratified by this Parisian practice: "Seek the Biomorphic and the Transorganic," "Datamine Nature," "Augment Reality: Aestheticize All Sensors" and even "Make the Invisible Visible." I'm impressed by this news item, not least because wiretapped trees are a throwaway notion in my most recent science fiction novel. That's yet another example of the common science-fictional practice of "predicting the present." "The future is already here: it just isn't well distributed yet." (((The next question: when will this promising technology become a desktop app? I've already killed more houseplants than I can count, but once I own my 30-centime Parisian plant-bugs, their little cries of distress will arrive via e-mail.))) Stefan Jones (^^^^^^^^^^^^^^****)