Viridian Note 00236: Editor At Work

Bruce Sterling []

Key concepts
Whole Earth magazine, Viridian Pope-Editor, embrace decay principle, Guggenheim Museum, variable media, digital art

Attention Conservation Notice: Ignore this unless you like magazine work or if you are in or near New York City.

Entries in the Reddy Kilowatt Makeover Contest: or

Viridian Contest Archive:

And the winner is: Randolph Hoppe (*) for the entry at: Randolph Hoppe's well-deserved prize is a Reddy Kilowatt bobble-head doll.


(((Ladies and gentlemen, the serried ranks of the Viridian faithful have produced a gratifying response to my call for magazine proposals in Note 00235. We definitely have a magazine on our hands here. In fact, with a little more capital and a squad of editors, it's dead obvious that this mailing list could easily sustain four, maybe five magazines.

(((You can stop sending those babies in just any time now; no, really, I'm good. With even a remote bit of luck, this is going to be the most Viridian publication ever seen; the first one that reads, smells, and even looks almost completely, uh, Viridian. The mailing list will take a back seat this month as I assemble this flood of entries into coherent shape and martial my brave graphics volunteers.)))

(((In the meantime, I'm heading for New York City, where I plan to deliver a somewhat Viridian-related speech on the issue of digital decay, at a conference aptly titled "Preserving the Immaterial". If you'd like to support the ever-worthy Guggenheim, do drop on by.)))


"Will the museum of the 21st century be an incubator for living artworks or a mausoleum for dead ones? Find out at PRESERVING THE IMMATERIAL: A CONFERENCE ON VARIABLE MEDIA."

Peter B. Lewis Theater Sackler Center for Arts Education Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum 1071 Fifth Avenue (at 89th Street) New York City

Friday, March 30, 7-9 pm Saturday, March 31, 10 am-6 pm

"This conference gathers experts in diverse fields, from science fiction writer Bruce Sterling to emulation specialist Jeff Rothenberg, to weigh in on the prickly

issues of preserving art in ephemeral media. Participants
will examine eight artworks == including a candy spill by
Felix Gonzalez-Torres, a video installation by Nam June
Paik, and a Web site by Mark Napier == through the lens of
the Guggenheim's Variable Media Initiative. This radical
paradigm for new media preservation begins from the
assumption that some artworks can be defined outside of
the constraints of their respective mediums == and
concludes that such redefinition is essential to the
survival of the most innovative art forms of the twentieth
century. Acclaimed filmmaker Ken Jacobs will present a
live film performance of Bitemporal Vision: The Sea on the

opening night of the conference."

Tickets $10 ($7 members, students, and seniors) per day Box Office (212) 423-3587

PRESERVING THE IMMATERIAL schedule revised 3/25/2001

All events in Peter B. Lewis Theater at Guggenheim uptown unless otherwise noted

Tentative audiovisual segments in []s

********Friday 7 pm to 10 pm******** 7:00 John Hanhardt welcomes audience

7:15 Bruce Sterling keynotes on digital obsolescence

7:45 Jon Ippolito introduces variable media paradigm, gives overview of questionnaire [pre-cached Web site]

8:30 Ken Jacobs performs his film performance Bitemporal Vision: The Sea live, then screens and comments on a video of the performance

[live dual-projector film performance with filters handed out to audience, followed by video replay of performance on NTSC Beta]

9:15 Wine, water, and light food reception on Rotunda floor

********Saturday 10 am to 6 pm******** 10:00 Hanhardt/Ippolito welcomes audience

10:15 SESSION ON REPRODUCIBLE ARTWORKS [visuals for all of Saturday's case studies will be pre- cached images shown on a Web browser unless otherwise noted]

==Hanhardt introduces the topic

==Ippolito discusses Jan Dibbets' _A White Wall_

==Carol Stringari discusses Bruce Nauman's _False Silence_

==Jon Gartenberg interviews Ken Jacobs about his
Bitemporal Vision: The Sea
[excerpt of NTSC Beta of Bitemporal Vision from Friday night] [excerpt of Flo Rounds the Corner or substitute, either on NTSC Beta or VHS] Hanhardt interviews Stephen Vitiello about Nam June Paik's TV Garden [TV Garden installation footage on NTSC Beta or VHS] Respondents comment: Bill Brand, Paul Kuranko, Mona Jimenez 12:00 Questions from the audience 12:30 Break 1:30 SESSION ON PERFORMATIVE ARTWORKS Ippolito introduces the topic

==Ippolito interviews Robert Morris about his Site and
Untitled (Stadium)

[excerpt of Babette Mangolte film of Site on NTSC Beta transferred from videodisc]

==Stringari interviews Meg Webster about her *Stick

==Gartenberg interviews Ken Jacobs about his *Bitemporal
Vision: The Sea_
[footage of projector manipulation on NTSC VHS]

==Respondents comment: Bill Brand, Susan Hapgood, Tiffany
Ludwig, Stephen Vitiello
[brief excerpt from Jack Water's Super Schmoozio in
Quicktime video, cached or via Web connection]

2:45 Questions from the audience

3:15 Break

==Ippolito introduces topic

==Nancy Spector interviews Andrea Rosen about Felix
Gonzalez-Torres' Untitled (Public Opinion)

==Ippolito interviews Mark Napier about his Net Flag
[live or cached Web presentation]

==Respondents comment: Jennifer Crowe, Alain Depocas,
Steve Dietz, Richard Rinehart, Jeff Rothenberg, Benjamin

5:30 Questions from the audience

6:00 Hanhardt thanks participants

CONSULTANTS ("+" = Preserving the Immaterial participant):

+Bill Brand, independent film restorer and artist
Paul Clay, theatrical designer and visual artist
+Jennifer Crowe, ArtBase Consultant,; Producer, EGG Online Thirteen/WNET New York
+Alain Depocas, Head of the Centre for Research and Documentation (CRD), Daniel Langlois Foundation
+Steve Dietz, Director of New Media Initiatives, Walker Art Center
Alex Galloway, Editor and Director of Technology,
+Jon Gartenberg, independent film curator and restoration specialist
+Susan Hapgood, Curators of Exhibitions, American Federation of Arts
Jon Huffman, Nam June Paik studio +Ken Jacobs, artist
+Mona Jimenez, Interim Director Independent Media Arts Preservation (IMAP) and artist
Branden Joseph, Cotsen Fellow in the Princeton Society of Fellows in the Liberal Arts, Princeton University
Pip Laurenson, Sculpture Conservator, The Tate Gallery
+Tiffany Ludwig, Producer of Virtual and Physical Programs, Franklin Furnace
+Robert Morris, artist
+Mark Napier, artist
+Richard Rinehart, Digital Media Director, UC Berkeley Art Museum and Art Department Faculty; Conceptual & Intermedia Arts Online (CIAO) Founding Member and Architect
+Andrea Rosen, Executor, Felix Gonzalez-Torres Estate
+Jeff Rothenberg, independant computer science researcher
Blair Thurman, Nam June Paik studio
+Bruce Sterling, science fiction writer and journalist
Stacy Sumpman, Media Coordinator and Repertory member, Cunningham Dance Foundation
+Stephen Vitiello, independant media curator and artist
+Meg Webster, artist
+Benjamin Weil, Curator of Media Arts, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Martha Wilson, Founding Director, Franklin Furnace; member, Conceptual and Intermedia Art Online (CIAO)

Bridget Alsdorf, Collections Curatorial Assistant
Caroline Aubin, Curatorial Intern
Julie Barten, Conservator, Exhibitions
Randolph Black, Registrar for Collections Management
Ann Butler, Archivist
+John G. Hanhardt, Senior Curator of Film and Media Arts
+Jon Ippolito, Assistant Curator of Media Arts
+Paul Kuranko, Media Arts Specialist
Starr McCaleb, Curatorial Intern
+Nancy Spector, Curator of Contemporary Art
+Carol Stringari, Senior Conservator, Contemporary Art
Lynn Underwood, Director of Archives, Library, and Museum Records

Lisa Dennison, Collections Curator and Deputy Director
Deirdre Donahue, Librarian
Matthew Drutt, Curator
Mara Guglielmi, Paper Conservator
Pablo Helguera, Education Program Coordinator
David Bleecker, Senior Education Program Manager
Kevin Murphy, Administrative Assistant, Film and Media Arts
Eleonora Nagy, Sculpture Conservator
Fiona Ragheb, Associate Curator
Rajenda Roy, Program Manager, Film and Media Arts
Natasha Sigmund, Collections Registrar
Maria-Christina Villasenior, Associate Curator, Film and Media Arts

office: Guggenheim Museum
575 Broadway, 3rd floor
New York, NY 10012-4233
tel 212 423-3837
fax 212 941-0590

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