Subject: Viridian Note 00103: Religious Objections to Carbon Dioxide
Key concepts: Religious Leaders Statement on Global Attention Conservation Notice: Who really cares what a bunch of pastors, rabbis and Greek Orthodox clerics say about the environment, or anything else, for that matter. Entries in the Viridian Solar Switchplate Contest: This contest expires November 20, 01999.
Viridian Individual Projects:
"HARRISBURG, Pa., Oct. 7 /PRNewswire/ == Leaders ofmore than two dozen church bodies, including Protestant denominations, the Greek Orthodox Church and the Philadelphia Board of Rabbis, have signed an historic Religious Leaders Statement on Global Warming. "The Religious Leaders Statement warns that human beings are doing violence to God's creation by causing global warming and calls for people of faith to be stewards of His creation. "'Our faith demands that we act as stewards of creation, not squander and destroy God's gifts,' said the Rev. Brenda Brooks of the Presbyterian Synod of the Trinity. 'Global climate change is destroying people's lives and health, as well as our habitat. In these circumstances, failure to act would be truly immoral.'
"The Religious Leaders Statement calls for persons offaith to take three immediate steps to protect the creation from global warming. "Those steps are: "(1) urging elected officials to support public policies that will reduce greenhouse gases, including ratification of the Kyoto Treaty; "(2) reducing energy usage at homes, businesses, and places of worship with simple and readily available energy conservation measures; and "(3) using Pennsylvania's Electricity Choice program to buy electricity that has been certified as renewable energy by the Green-e program.
"These three steps will reduce global warming gaseslike carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere. For example, an electricity customer using 1,000 kilowatt- hours per month who switches his electricity supply to Green-e certified renewable electricity eliminates approximately 19,729 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions, which are produced by fossil fuel-powered electric generation plants, from being released into the atmosphere each year.
"Reducing the emission of global warming gases isvital, because global temperatures have increased by 1 degree Fahrenheit in the past century and the ten warmest years on record have been since 1983.
"To encourage millions of Pennsylvanians to take oneof or all of the three recommended actions to stop global warming, the Pennsylvania Council of Churches is launching a coordinated campaign to call upon people of faith to work to prevent global warming as a matter of 'religious responsibility.'
"The campaign is making available to the public abrochure entitled 'Global Warming & Electric Restructuring in Pennsylvania: a temptation or an opportunity?' For more information on the brochure, contact the PA Interfaith Global Climate Change Campaign at 717-545-4761."